in National Composites Week
Get involved and share
National Composites Week
with us and the world.
Facilities are encouraged to build awareness for the composites industry within their local communities.
Below are suggestions of events/ideas that may suit you and your company.
Host a digital plant tour, open house, or other online public event, designed to showcase your company’s capabilities and expertise (see tools in this guide). Include #NationalCompositeWeek in your posts.
Use your company’s website, social media and contact list to celebrate National Composites Week by highlighting success stories about what your firm does in the industry that impacts peoples’ lives.
Highlight unique applications of composite materials employed by your company/facility. Include photos/video of the part and the processes used to produce it.
Reach out to STEM students at universities or community colleges in your area to promote careers in the industry and within your company.
Put together information that your employees can take home and share with their families. Many plant workers are not familiar with the important work they support. Use this week to pro-actively communicate with your own employees so they can go home and share the interesting things they do and technologies they support.
One of the keys to a successful National Composites Week event is make sure it gets attention, whether from local media or via social media. Because of this, it will be important that you be prepared to share images and video of your National Composites Week event with local media (newspapers, television stations), social media like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and your company’s own website.
Most of all, we encourage you to have fun with your National Composites Week event — the composites industry is dynamic and creative, and we are confident you can apply that same dynamism and creativity to your celebration.